Allen W. Leigh’s collection of essays entitled
“One Mormon’s View of the Science -- Religion Debate” is a ray of hope coming at
a time when religion is becoming increasingly hostile to science and reason.
Leigh, a computer software engineer, active member of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints, and an avid science reader has attempted to personally
reconcile the science versus religion debate by focusing on parallels found in
Mormonism’s unique theology and many of science’s emerging discoveries. Quite
opposite from the evangelical Christian’s creationist tradition of superficial
science bashing, misrepresentation, and selective reason, Leigh openly admits
that religious ‘dogmas’, like science, are incomplete and evolving, and his hope
is that one day the two shall merge as a single truth. This book tackles thorny
issues such as abortion, the search for extraterrestrial intelligences, the Big
Bang, organic evolution, genetic engineering and stem cell research, as well as
an interesting primer on digital organisms. Although a few readers may take
issue with some of Leigh’s hypotheses, conclusions or interpretations, his
intellectual exercise illustrated by this collection of essays should serve as a
paradigm for all religious people who are unsatisfied with ignoring modern
scientific discoveries and their implications on religious beliefs.
Jonathon C. Marshall, PhD.
Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Yale University